Andorra weather map

The weather in most locations in Andorra today is expected to be warmer than yesterday, with average temperatures ranging from 1.21°C to 9.07°C.

Weather forecast for major cities in Andorra

Location Forecast Now Min Max Chance of rain
Andorra la Vella Sky Is Clear 7.8° -5.06° 12.1° 0%
Escaldes-Engordany Sky Is Clear 7.93° -5.06° 12.1° 0%
Saint Julia de Loria Sky Is Clear 9.07° -1.33° 16.15° 0%
Encamp Sky Is Clear 1.21° -8.75° 8.08° 0%
La Massana Sky Is Clear 7.86° -2.2° 14.87° 0%
Canillo Sky Is Clear 3.29° -8.95° 7.55° 0%
Ordino Sky Is Clear 4.59° -6.48° 10.36° 0%

Frequently asked questions

What is the weather right now in Andorra?

As of now, the weather in major cities in Andorra varies:
- In Saint Julia de Loria, the temperature is around 9.07°C (48.33°F), with sky is clear.
- In Encamp, the current temperature is about 1.21°C (34.18°F) sky is clear.

What type of climate zone is Andorra?

Most cities in Andorra are classified within the Marine west coast, warm summer climate zone (Köppen: Cfb).

Where is the hottest place in Andorra today?

Saint Julia de Loria is the hottest place in Andorra right now with the daily high temperature reaching 9.07°C or 48.33°F, followed by Escaldes-Engordany (7.93°C/46.27°F), La Massana (7.86°C/46.15°F) and Andorra la Vella (7.8°C/46.04°F).

What is the coldest place in Andorra right now?

Encamp is the coldest place in Andorra right now, with average temperatures hovering around 1.21 °C or 34.18 °F.